Morningstar SunKeeper series
SunKeeper solar controller provides a low cost regulated output directly from the solar module to maximize battery life in small solar power applications. The SunKeeper is epoxy encapsulated and rated for outdoor use. By mounting directly to the module junction box and wiring through the junction box knockout, the connection is weather-proof. This eliminates the need for an additional housing for the controller.
Specification |
SK-6 |
SK-12 |
Rated Solar Input |
6 amps |
12 amps |
Nominal System Voltage |
12 Volts |
Max. Solar Voltage |
30 Volts |
Voltage Accuracy |
± 150 mV |
Regulation Voltage |
13.7 Volts (at 25°C) |
Operating Temperatures |
– 40°C to +70°C |
Catalog download |
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