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Kaohsiung International Airpor

Kaohsiung International Airpor
Kaohsiung International Airpor
Kaohsiung International Airpor0
Kaohsiung International Airpor01
Kaohsiung International Airpor02
» Location Kaohsiung
» Type Grid-Tie
» Capacity 450.75 kWp
» Completed 2014
Implement Renewable Energy
In order to promote the development of renewable energy, Kaohsiung Airport and Tainan Airport leased the roof space to solar manufacturers to install solar photovoltaic power generation systems. The total annual power generation can reach 874,000 kWh, which is equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of 250 households, and reduces carbon dioxide every year. Discharged 466 metric tons. The reduction of carbon dioxide emissions is equal to the absorption of 1.25 Taipei Daan Forest Park.

Sources of information:Hengs Technology Corp. Ltd.