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koga City PV System

koga City PV System
koga City PV System
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koga City PV System01
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» Project koga City PV System
» Location Koka Shi, Japan
» Type Grid-Tie
» Capacity 7000 kWp
» Completed 2014
The Largest Solar Power Plant of Shiga
Koka Solar Power Plant, located at the industrial zone of Koka City, with the capaci- ty of 7000 kWp, is the largest solar power plant in Kyoto and Shiga Prefecture, Japan. Despite the FIT (Feed in Tariff) of renewable energy is decreasing in Japan, the demands upon large capacity power plants, MW scale and above, are still brilliantly high. However, due to the difficulty in dispatching domestic components and high costs in Japan, PV mounting racks and part of PV modules were imported from Taiwan. PV cables were produced in Switzer- land but supplied by Taiwan when building Koka Solar Power Plant. This pattern creates a particularly significant and international operation.

Sources of information:Hengs Technology Corp. Ltd.

news:The largest solar power plant of Shiga