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Kyotamba PV System

Kyotamba PV System
Kyotamba PV System
Kyotamba PV System0
Kyotamba PV System01
Kyotamba PV System02
» Location Kyoto, Japan
» Type Grid-Tie
» Capacity 5553 kWp
» Completed 2015
“Nuclear-Free Homeland” Has Become the Common Goal in Japan
After the catastrophic Fukushima earthquake and nuclear disaster on 11th of March, 2011, “nuclear-free homeland” has become the common goal in Japan. Japanese government also introduces Renewable Energy Special Measures Act to increase renewable energy power supply every year. Japan is getting closer to the goal of “nuclear-free homeland”. KYOTAMBA PV SYSTEM was commissioning in December 2015. With an area of 34,729 m2 and a capacity of 5.553MW, it is the second largest solar power station in Kyoto, Japan. KYOTAMBA PV SYSTEM annual generation is 7,490,000kWh equal to the annual consumption of local 2,144 households.

Sources of information:Hengs Technology Corp. Ltd.