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Shizuoka Agriculture Greenhouse

Agriculture Greenhouse
Agriculture Greenhouse
Agriculture Greenhouse0
Agriculture Greenhouse01
» Location Shizuoka, Japan
» Type Grid-Tie (A number of projects)
» Capacity 594 kWp
» Completed 2015
Combination of Agriculture and Solar Power System
In 2013, Hengs Technology Corp. Ltd. cooperated with local Japanese manufacturers, a fews solar power plants has been completed, including the 6.4MW ground-mounted solar power plant in Kaga City and the 50 rooftop decentralized systems in Ryukyu, Hengs also assisted tea farmers in Shizuoka Prefecture to develop the farming system to improve the farming conditions and increase the added value. In addition, we have assisted tea farmers in Shizuoka Prefecture to develop farming systems to improve farming conditions and add value, and have received official recognition and support from Japan.

Sources of information:Hengs Technology Corp. Ltd.