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Tainan Refuse Incineration Plant

Tainan Refuse Incineration Plant
Tainan Refuse Incineration Plant
Tainan Refuse Incineration Plant0
Tainan Refuse Incineration Plant01
Tainan Refuse Incineration Plant02
» Location Tainan
» Type Grid-Tie
» Capacity 1487.16 kWp
» Completed 2017
Tainan Refuse Incineration has been turned into a solar power plant, which combines environmental protection and clean energy
The two-hectare facility, completed on August 14th, is part of a two-phase development project that will have a total capacity of 12MW when fully completed in 2018, and which sits atop an idle landfill that once served the Tainan county area.

The new facility will supply 550 households with electricity throughout the year, and serves as a role model for the use of idle landfills in Taiwan.